Friday, January 14, 2011


feeling: bored
listening to: "A Quiet Anthem" by Aesthetic Perfection (Apparently I like them a lot since I was listening to them last time too.)

January 7th marked my SIX YEARS of life since my transplant. In my six years I've loved and lost so many. I meet amazing people and though some stay in my life, many of them have unfortunately also been chosen to leave it. My friend Michele passed away at the beginning of December and where was I when I found out? At Disneyland. This always happens. When I learned of Kristi passing away I had been at a concert that night. Now Michele's gone and I was at Disneyland. I feel like crap whenever I hear of another loss but I thought to myself that if she's in Heaven now, she's definitely watching me and calling me a turd for even thinking that I'm bad for not being there. She loved Disneyland--mainly the shopping aspect of it and I know she would want me to live me life. After all, that's what she did until the end when she simply couldn't anymore. She and I caused so much trouble and had so many laughs and I will never forget her.

It seems odd to me that I'm still here. What have I done that allows me to live a healthy life when others can't? Whatever it is, I hope it hangs in there because before I used to hope that 2012 was a real concept and just feels unfair. I fought this hard and will not be killed off because of what some Mayans say. (Even though I totally give them props for being awesome.) This New Year I decided to make a few resolutions:

1) Eat less sugar. I would die if I got diabetes, I love sugar too much! Hehe.

2) Learn something new everyday.

3) Budget my money better.

4) Live like there's no tomorrow.

That last one is always in my head and I've done decent with the rest except the darn budgeting. I started off the New Year in Vegas seeing my favorite band. That cost an arm and a leg and of course I gambled (aka lost money) and the whole shebang but I had the time of my life. Seriously, my dream was to see them- 30 Seconds to Mars play on New Years in London and if I was lucky go back to the lead singer Jared's hotel room. Hahahahaha jk about the last part (kinda) but yeah I figured if I can't have London, Vegas is just as good!! This applied to my 4 resolution of living it up. MY girlfriend Elyna and I even went to see Thunder Down Under While we were there and it was epic.


Anyway, it was good times for sure. One cool thing too is ever since my break-up with douchebag I've almost started drinking just to spite him. Not on purpose and I'm not an alcoholic like he was but for so long after I never drank and the first time I did I was thinking, "Yeah, TAKE THAT!!" Lame and childish, I know but it was a little release I needed to get over him. That said, when I was at the concert I had bought some Absinthe and if you know what that is, you know it jacks you up pretty good. I figured I'd rather by 1 expensive drink and get smashed than buy a bunch to feel a buzz. Well, I sipped it slowly and as soon as the concert started I wanted nothing to do but jump and dance and scream. Holding my drink only got in my way and I realized less than halfway through that I didn't want/or need it. I was in this moment with my friend and experiencing something I've always wanted. Jared was my anti-drug!! So I went and threw it away. Usually I would drink it up fast anyway since it was expensive but I didn't even want that. It's a step up in my healing process post-douchebag. YAY!!

I'm really focusing on making changes in my life right now. Changes that will help me better myself and move onward and upward. A lot of that is the people I have in my life. If they are toxic, I need to say goodbye but if they are good, I need to try everything I can to be a good friend. Also, I'm trying to not let other people's opinions get to me. Yesterday, I went to the post office with a shirt on that was low enough to show my scar on my chest. I was noticing lately that before I go anywhere I always try to cover it up with a sweater or my purse and that's just silly. I guess I don't want the questions or people to think I got a horrible cheap boob job in Mexico or something. These girls are real my friends!! I realized how hard it was for me to mentally step out into the world scar bared. I've decided from now I'm going to try to be more proud of what I've been through instead of so private and who knows, maybe I can help people understand.

I'm trying to get a job still and it's not looking good at all. The person that's helping me seems really flaky and is always trying to come up with excuses as to why things aren't going through. I wish the economy wasn't so bad that I had to fight so hard. I mean, it feels pointless when everyone with 25 years of experience are snatching the jobs typically taken by those just out of college like me. I have no authority and no pull to let them give me a chance and I'm starting to feel down about it. I mean, I was sick when I was 14 so I couldn't work then and after I went to school to make myself something big. I learned a lot and yet here I am with nothing to show for it except some degrees and licenses that apparently mean nothing. Grrrrr.

I guess I should be working on my autobiography thing. It's just frustrating because I have so much in my head but lack the words to put it on paper and make it mean as much as it has impacted my life. Nothing seems good enough and I wish I could wave a magic wand and put all the words in a published book of my own. Maybe someday....


Katy Savage said...

Well done on your 6 years huni I too am a massuve tink fan I have a tink tattoo.. Sorry to hear about your friend stay strong x

~*tinkerbell*~ said...

Thanks Katy, I'm a huge Tink fan too! Gotta love her spunky attitude! Thanks for your comment and have a great day!