Sunday, January 18, 2009

love life

feeling: bored
listening to: "Decode" by Paramore

Every year I get an Ireland desk calendar so I can keep track of everything from concerts to doctors appointments, etc. I go through it before I throw it away at the end of the year it’s really interesting to read back on all that happened.
January 2008 was started out in Albuquerque, New Mexico as usual but this time instead of being at my dad’s house I was at Leigha’s. We were both super excited because we’d soon be on our way to Phoenix and she was going to live with me. Finally, together forever!
california hug
Our time together had its ups and downs and we parted ways in March. She went to live with two other roommates and I moved my room back to how it was before she’d gotten there. It was a very sad time for both of us I think because we both had such high hopes and to this day I will never take back anything I said or did. I told her I loved her and it was true. I have never loved somebody as much as I did Leigha but circumstances pulled us apart and even our friendship got complicated. To this day I don’t know how’ve we’ve gotten to the point we’re at now. It’s part, anger, sadness, bitterness, relief, hope. There are many emotions that I’m feeling and I can only imagine what she feels as well. She decided it was in her best interest to move back to Albuquerque and in doing this, it put the distance between us a reality. We still talk and I’m glad about that but there are days where I miss how close we used to be. Inseparable. It’s ok though, I’m living my life and she’s living hers. As long as we’re happy in that…..
halloween handcuffs

I went to a lot of concerts in 2008 starting with Ill Nino on February 8th. I finally got to meet Cristian Machado and that pretty much completed my life right there.
ashley and cristian
The 17th, Leigha and I drove to Tucson to see Aiden and we even got to see a private performance at Zia Records before because we’re awesome like that.
angel ashley and wil
July 16th was the Kill Hannah concert and after waiting hours in the blistering heat, it was SO not worth it. I still like their music and I liked the energy but Mat Devine is a douche bag. End of story. The White Tie Affair stole the show if you ask me.
right now
July 18th was the Disturbed/Slipknot concert with my friends Eric and Jenn and no other concert will be able to compare I think. Slipknot is the most amazing band EVER live. It made me appreciate all the talent that is put into what they do. Most people just think, “Yeah, they scream. Big deal. That’s not music!” BULLSHIT. Every band member plays their instrument whether it be drums, guitar, vocals, turntable, whatever and each does it with an intense amount of passion that is only proven even more in concert.
bad ass
yay disturbed
scary mother fucker

Projekt Revolution 2008 occurred on my birthday this year. August 7th. Woot woot! It definitely didn’t compare to last year though and I was spoiled by Slipknot still.
the bravery
ashes divide
Shallowpoint performed on September 6th and then with the Iris on Halloween. It was fun to get all dressed up with my lovely twin soul, Miss Twilight Starr. We definitely rock it when we get together, I love you girl!
twilight paris halloween
I was SUPPOSED to see the Backstreet Boys on November 21st but Nick just had to get sick and disappoint me. I was sooooo sad about that! I’m still pissed actually. So that was my year in concerts as far as I remember.

I’ve been very involved in helping with Donate Life of Arizona as well as the St. Joe’s Lung Transplant Support Organization of which I am a board member. I’m also pretty much the main computer expert in the group since I’m the youngest and therefore the least frazzled about technology. Haha! I did a couple booth things with Donate Life, one at Laura’s Run in Scottsdale and got a lot of people there to sign up to be donors. Also, I had a booth set up at MCC and met some cool people there as well. I really enjoy doing that and talking to people about donating. I did a couple speeches regarding that too, one in public speaking and the other in sign language. Hopefully I got some people’s attention. I’ve met a lot of cool people being involved with those groups and have done activities with them on the side as well. I went with them to the Renaissance Festival and it was actually my first time.
renaissance festival
I also did I few games with all of them in the name of Donate Life such as the Coyotes and the Diamondbacks. I became the closest with Michele and her and I would hang out all the time and go swimming and have lunch and just cause trouble in general. We did a lot of dinners together as a whole group and celebrated a lot of anniversaries as most of them are celebrating being a year out from their lung transplants.
micheles anniversary group
michele steve ashley
On the 27th of July we all decided to go to Disneyland just for shits and giggles and had a great time. I’m definitely VERY happy that they have become such an important part of my life.
disneyland front
fun with dale

School was pretty good Spring 2008 and I met a lot of awesome friends that I continue to be friends with to this day. I was in a speech competition (thanks a lot Jessica haha) and finished off the semester with good grades.
speech competition
ashley jason
Fall 2008 was definitely the most difficult semester of my school career but I got through it with nothing less than a B which is amazing considering I was prepared for an F in a couple classes. I had to work especially hard in my Career/Work Experience class where I had to follow around interpreters in various environments for at least 45 hours. That took up most of my time needless to say, not just the hours themselves but finding them in the first place. It was an awesome experience though and I learned a lot. It’s finally over but here I am ready to start Spring 2009. Blah!

I did a little bit of traveling this year:
· Went to Sedona in January so I could show Leigha what it’s like up there for her birthday.
· Drove to Tucson for the Aiden concert on February 17th.
· San Diego on April 25th to see Bryant and Shari’s new condo and it was a really pleasant vacation.
san diego
· Went to Carmel, California for Mothers Day in which I paid for the whole trip. We stayed at the Tickle Pink Inn which overlooked the ocean and we rented a car and drove around to all the places where we used to live. My mom said it was the best present ever.
pacific grove
· San Francisco on June 11th for the check-up
· Disneyland July 27th
· Seattle August 3rd for my birthday. (My first time!)
· Sedona for Thanksgiving as usual
· Albuquerque December 31st-January 4th to see my daddy and my little sister
ashley cece kiss

Random Stuff

· May 17th- My cousin Melissa had a baby
· June 20th- Meredith’s wedding!
meredith's wedding
· August 13th- Got my tubes tied. No little Ashley’s running around!
· Interviewed for jobs such as Starbucks, Fascinations, and Tungland Corporation.
· December 2nd- Got my tattoo for Sarah (and did fine so I’m getting more!)
tattoo for sarah
· Lots of ASU games
· Saw Twilight 6 times and counting….
twilight opening night
· Christmas parties!!
christmas party
I made a lot of great friends this year with people I either just met or knew before and became close with. People such as:
· Jessica
· Jason
· JT
· Mark
· Michele and Glenn
· Mason
· Carl and Elaine
· Anne
· Tiffany
· Rafaele
· Craig
· Heather
· Stacy
· Mel
· Ashley
· Tuesday
· Billie
· Cheryk
My best friend this year has been Terra. We’ve gotten so close lately and I’m so glad because we’re almost inseparable now. Terra, we’ve been through so much together and through all our crazy-ness and drama, we’re still friends and I’m so happy for that. I can’t wait until we move to London! ;) I don’t know what words to say that can express how much I love you but I’ve got many more years to at least try to show you how much you mean to me. Hugs and kisses my lover!
I also lost a few friendships this year and honestly it has been for the better except for people like my Blaine who I miss very much. (I love you!) But I haven’t lost him, he’s just far away.
tink and peter
Someone I have lost though is Kristi. You read my blog a couple blogs ago and know of my loss. It’s hard for me to talk about still and I’m working on being strong in her memory. She died July 18th and this year, I will honor her memory by getting a tattoo for her on my side (by all my scars) that says “indestructible.”
It’s been a crazy year and I can’t even write about it all. Not that you guys wanna hear it all anyway. This entry is long enough as it is! 2008 was a good time and 2009 is starting out to be awesome so far. I can’t wait to see what happens!